How to Get Rid of Disease Carrying Fleas in Your Yard Fast Without Harming Pets in Mantua Township, NJ
Having a flea infestation in your home or yard can be more than an inconvenience. These frustrating pests bite, and cause sometimes serious allergic reactions. Because they reproduce at such a fast rate, it can be difficult to get an infestation under control. Unfortunately, your yard is often the perfect environment for fleas to not only survive, but to thrive. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you get rid of fleas in your yard.
How to Tell if You Have a Bad Flea Infestation
Fleas are extremely small, reddish brown or black bugs. While they don’t have any wings, they are able to jump abnormally high for their size. If they have made their way to your yard, they have likely gotten there by hitching a ride on a warm-blooded animal which is where they bite to get their next meal. These pests can get out of hand in a hurry because one female can lay up to 2,000 eggs at a time. One of the best ways you can tell if you have a flea problem in your yard, is if you find them on your pets. You can often see them climbing around on your pet’s body when you take a close look at their hair. You can also wear white socks through your yard and quickly see them jump up onto your white socks.
Do Fleas Carry Disease
Not only will their bite bother you and your pets, they can also cause diseases that can take a toll on your quality of life. Diseases like murine, plague and typhus are all a risk when you are dealing with a flea infestation. If you are dealing with an infestation that is severe enough, it can even start to give your pet a roughened looking coat. Diseases aside, fleas also can spread tapeworms as well.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Yard
Following are the steps that will help you get rid of fleas in your yard:
- Trim Landscaping/Grass: Making your yard as unwelcoming to fleas as possible is the goal. If your landscaping and grass is overgrown, fleas have plenty of places to take cover.
- Clean Up: If you have debris all around your yard, removing it will also eliminate other places for fleas to hide out.
- Reduce Moisture: Avoid overwatering your grass and plants. Fleas thrive in moist environments.
Flea Control
If you are dealing with a severe flea infestation, it is likely going to require the help of the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them. This is a multi-step process as there are several life cycles stages that need to be addressed. You can count on us to eliminate fleas and other pests. Call us today!