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How Do You Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling & Staying in a Hotel this Summer in Atlantic City, NJ

Tis’ the season of travel. The weather is absolutely perfect and there is no need to worry about snow storms bringing on heavy delays. While this may be traveling season, nothing will put a damper on your travel plans like bed bugs. When you are checking into hotels and other housing accommodations it is important to make sure you aren’t walking into a bed bug infested area. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share tips to help you avoid bed bugs this travel season.

Check for Bed Bugs in Hotel Room

Before you get settled into any hotel room or other accommodations, you need to check thoroughly for any signs of bed bugs. If there is an infestation, there are sure to be signs all over the place that bed bugs have been there. Following are some of the most common signs that indicate a bed bug problem:
– Bugs in a Bed: If there are bed bugs, you will be able to pull back the sheets, lift of up the mattress and see them. Anytime you spot these little bugs, you should run for the hills.
– Bed Bug Odor: bed bugs give off an unpleasant, musky smell. This smell is present most often when the infestation is a big one. The more bugs, the stronger the smell.
– Blood Smears: There are often blood smears on the bed when bed bugs are present.
– Shed Bed Bug Skin: As bed bugs grow and mature, they will shed their skin and leave behind bits and pieces of themselves wherever they go.

Found Bed Bugs in Hotel Room; Now What?

If you need to change rooms because there are signs that bed bugs are present, you should avoid rooms that are directly above or below the room you are in as well as to either side. These bugs are resilient and they will catch a ride on housekeeping carts and any other means of transportation. It may not be a bad idea to pick an entirely different hotel.

Protect Luggage to Prevent Bed Bugs

If you are really worried about bed bugs, you may want to consider placing your entire suitcase in a protective cover or trash bag during your travels. Don’t set your suitcases on the floor of your hotel room, but rather, set it on top of the luggage racks that come in almost every hotel room. As you are inspecting the place, you may want to set your luggage in the bathtub.

Killing Bed Bugs on Clothes in Washing Machine & Dryer

Before unpacking your suitcase upon arriving at home, you need to wash and dry all of the clothing you took on your trip. Use the hottest settings on your washer and dryer to ensure all the bed bugs are killed during the process.

Bed Bug Inspection & Treatment

If you have brought home a bed bug infestation from your travels, you should consider enlisting the help of Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of the problem. Call us today!

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