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What Do German Cockroaches Look Like? How to Get Rid of a Roach Infestation in Mantua Township, NJ

While there are several different cockroach species that we often deal with in South New Jersey and throughout the United States, German cockroaches are some of the most commonly found roaches in residential settings. These pests are especially filthy and can infest your home in no time if they aren’t controlled. Attempting to control German cockroaches on your own can be a difficult task that often requires the help of pest professionals. At Ross Environmental Solutions, we would like to talk about what German cockroaches look like as well as how you can avoid a German cockroach infestation in the first place.

German Cockroach Identification

To properly control cockroaches, you have to know what you are dealing with in the first place. They are usually light brown or tan with some darker stripes on the portion of their body, right behind the head. These black stripes are the biggest thing that set them apart from other cockroach species. You may notice that these cockroaches have wings, but you can count on them staying firmly on the ground as they will rarely use them to fly. They can run particularly fast though as they are running to find the perfect hiding place as the lights come on.

What are German Cockroaches Attracted To?

There are several things in your home that could be potentially attracting German cockroaches to your house. They are always on the lookout for three distinct things as they are looking for the perfect place to start breeding: water, warmth and food. All of these things they can usually find in your home. One of the biggest things you need to remember is that they are attracted to water sources and food.
– Water: If you have any leaking pipes, you need to fix them as soon as possible to avoid a German cockroach infestation. You should avoid leaving wet towels lying on the ground as this small amount of water can even attract them. Make sure there are no moist areas in your home to keep cockroaches from choosing your residence to infiltrate.
– Food: Cockroaches aren’t picky eaters. They will eat food that is either fresh or rotting. This is why it is so important that you don’t leave food out overnight. They are going to be attracted to any kind of food that is left out to their disposal. Likewise, you should practice good sanitary habits. Take out your trash regularly and often as they are attracted to the food sources found in your trash cans. Make sure your trash is stored in a trash can that has a tight-fitting lid as well.

Cockroach Control

If you are struggling with a cockroach infestation that you can’t get under control on your own, you can turn to the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions for help. We have the extensive knowledge and experience needed to effectively remove these pests from your home for good. Cockroaches pose a health and safety risk to your home, and so it is important that you work quickly to get rid of them. Call us today!

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