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What Food Attracts a Mouse & What are the Health Risks of a Mice Infestation in Deptford, NJ?

If you ask around, you will find that a regular house mouse is the most common rodent that people struggle to keep out of their homes. When these little rodents make their way into your home, they can wreak havoc. They make their nests out of anything they can find, chew on electrical wires, ruin insulation with their urine and feces and more. It is certainly in your best interest to keep them out of your home to avoid these problems. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about one big key that is attracting mice to your home in the first place; food.

What is a Mouse’s Diet?

Many people may not realize this, but mice are actually omnivores. This means that they eat both plants and animals to stay alive. Another thing a lot of people don’t realize is that cheese is actually not something that mice really go looking for. For the most part, mice will eat simple grains, fruit, seeds and nuts. They will also be happy as a clam if they can get their little hands on some food scraps out of your trash bin. If mice have to, they will also eat an array of different insects as a food source as well. You will find that mice eat primarily at dusk or dawn. You will occasionally see them eating in between those time periods, but not often.

What are the Health Risks & Property Damage Due to a Mice Infestation?

Mice can pose significant risk to your property when they infest your home. It doesn’t take long to get to an infestation status either because they breed so quickly. Some of the problems that you face when you have mice living in your home can be:
– Risk of Disease: Mice, like many other rodents, carry many different diseases with them. Diseases can be found in their feces as well as contact with the rodent itself.
– Gnawing & Chewing: They will chew through boxes, paper, insulation, wires and anything else they can sink their teeth into. This can leave you with extensive property damage.
– Food Contamination: Any food that comes in contact with mice should be discarded because it is more than likely contaminated and is no longer safe to eat.
– Risk of Fire: If mice have chewed on the electrical wiring in your home, they can put your house at risk of an electrical fire.

Signs of a Rodent Infestation

There are several signs that are usually there when you have mice living in your home.
– Damaged food containers
– Chew marks on food products
– Small feces in your home
– Electrical damage due to chewing
– Small footprints on the floor or oily rub marks on the walls

Rodent Control

If you have any signs that point to mice in your home, it’s time to call on the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the situation under control. We know how to effectively get rid of any mice in your home and help safeguard your home from future infestation. Call us today!

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