Early Signs of Termite Activity in Burlington, NJ; is it Time for a Termite Inspector? Mud Tubes, Flying Swarms, Discarded Wings & More
Termites are every homeowner’s worst fear and for good reason. Every homeowner should always keep a watchful eye out for any termite activity. Of course it is hard to know what to look for. How do you know when it is time to have a termite inspector evaluate your home for any of these devastating pests? Ross Environmental Solutions will cover some of the basic signs of termites to better help you know when it is time to hire a termite inspector.
Termite Mud Tubes
To help protect your home against termites, know that one of many clear signs of termite activity is mud-like tubes or tunnels at the base of exterior walls and other surfaces. Mud tubes like look like veins climbing up the sides of homes and trees. Termites will excavate the wood until only a thin layer remains. Once the wood breaks down, the termites will protect themselves by building a mud layer on top of the cavity which they have already eaten. Termites will usually start their feast at nearby trees or branches, typically dying or dead, then make their way to your home from there. The mud tubes are a mixture of soil, feces and saliva and lead to nearby sources of food. Trees, decks, and wooden furniture on patios serve as great food sources. Of course your home is a delectable prize as well. These tunnels will show you where their colony is and what their current source of food is. If you find these mud tubes anywhere in your yard or near the foundation of your home it is definitely time to call a termite inspector.
Flying Winged Termite Swarms & Discarded Wings
For homes with a low foundation that has cracks, these serve as access points for termites to get into your home but it’s not the only way they gain entry. Sometimes termites fly in through open windows too. This is another tell-tale sign of termites; the presence of swarms. Swarms are a group of flying termites, usually found in the spring. Winged termites are about ½ inch long with milky white wings, which they tear off their bodies after a short flight, making them hard to miss. If you find discarded wings around your windows, your home could be under attack. This swarm consists of both male and female termites that leave the colony to breed and spread. This is a problem because once they have breed and find a secure location to flourish. These flying termites a lot of the time get mistaken for winged ants. Make sure to look closely, ants have three distinct body segments while termites appear to have only two. Also, the ants have elbowed antenna and the termites antenna are beaded. The other way to tell the difference is that the ant has two sets of wing of different lengths, while termites has two sets of equal length.
Termite Inspections & Treatment
If you have come across any of these signs of termite activity, it is best to call a termite inspector as soon as possible. Ross Environmental Solutions provides termite inspections and extermination. If you are in fear of a termite invasion, call us today and we will be there to help safe guard your home.