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Does Dirty Laundry Attract Bed Bugs in Mount Laurel, NJ? How to Inspect Your Hotel Room for an Infestation!

Studies have found that bed bugs find your dirty laundry extremely appealing! While it is a well-known fact that bed bugs travel in clothes packed away in luggage, scientists experimented by placing four tote bags containing clothing (two bags with dirty clothes and two with clean clothes) in two variable-controlled rooms and then introducing bed bugs. At the end of the experiment, it was discovered that the bed bugs were twice as attracted to the bags with soiled clothes over the bags with clean clothes. This experiment suggests that when a living, breathing being is not around, bed bugs can still detect their presence via their odor or carbon dioxide emissions … and that dirty laundry will attract bed bugs. Although bed bugs do not spread disease, they can be problematic for individuals who are allergic to their bites and external histamines. According to researchers, it is best to keep your dirty clothes sealed in a plastic bag when traveling and staying in a hotel room. Never leave your suitcase open or leave your clothes on the floor. Also, as soon as you arrive at your hotel room, it is a great idea to put your suitcase in the bathtub while you check your room for signs of bed bugs. Following these simple rules can reduce your chances of bringing these unwanted blood suckers back home with you. Ross Environmental Solutions outline other precautions you can take below.

How to Inspect Your Hotel Room for a Bed Bug Infestation

Doing a quick inspection of your hotel room/home can help you avoid becoming the victim of bed bugs.
Inspect bed for signs of bed bugs: Strip the mattress and box spring. Using a flashlight, take a close look at the seams and corners. Reddish brown or rust colored stains are tell-tale signs of bed bug activity
Check hotel room for bed bugs: Once you have completed your bed inspection, begin taking a close look at the rest of the room, particularly any soft furnishings including the curtains, chairs, couches, and along the edge of the carpet. If possible also look behind any furniture, under the bed and behind the headboard for the reddish brown specks associated with bed bugs.
Open closets and drawers to check for bed bugs: Bed bugs travel from place to place by clinging to clothing. Remember, bed bugs on clothing equal bed bugs on you and your family members. Check closets and drawers carefully before hanging and folding clothing.
What does bed bug odor smell like?: Your nose is a good judge of character and one of your best defenses when it comes to bed bugs. The smell of bed bugs is often described as an unpleasant musky odor. If you smell something that you can’t identify, especially if you have taken note of the other telltale signs of bed bug activity; notify the hotel’s management immediately.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites are often confused with other biting insects so it’s important to visit your primary care physician for the correct diagnosis. That being said some of the most obvious symptoms include red, flat, itchy welts that appear in either small rows or clusters that can become infected with persistent scratching. Because bed bugs tend to feast on areas of the skin that are exposed, the bites are most often found on your hands, arms and shoulders as opposed to fleas which tend to bite around ankles.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

For more information regarding bed bug inspection and removal for your home or business, contact the knowledgeable experts at Ross Environmental Services today.

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