What Can Be Done to Prevent Mosquito Bites & the Breeding of Mosquitoes in Your Mount Holly, NJ Yard?
The summer brings so many enjoyable things with it. You can enjoy being outside with weather that is more manageable. You can travel and gather with friends and family whenever you want with an easier schedule. There are many different reasons to love summer. However, with summer comes pests. One pest in particular can be extremely obnoxious as well as dangerous; the mosquito. Luckily, there are many things you can do the keep mosquitoes from breeding in your yard which will help cut back their numbers dramatically. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to keep mosquitoes to a minimum in your yard.
Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Standing Water?
It doesn’t take much water for a female mosquito to choose to lay her eggs in it. In fact, something as small as the lid on a soda bottle may be enough for her eggs to be laid in it. This is why it is so important to keep anything from filling up with water and sitting. This could include small buckets kids play with and old pots you have planted flowers in. If you see water sitting in any sort of container in your yard, dump it out to keep mosquitoes away.
Do Mosquitoes Come Out More After the Rain?
If you have experienced a good rainstorm or the sprinklers have shut off after watering the lawn, take a walk around the property and look for any puddles of water anywhere. Maybe there is a tarp lying on the ground that has water piled up in it. Whatever it may be, you need to dump the water out and get rid of it to avoid mosquito breeding.
Clean Up the Yard to Keep Mosquitoes Away
The less debris you have lying around your yard, the less likely you are to have water accumulate in it. Picking up any trash or other items that are strewn around the yard will help you eliminate the risk of mosquito breeding. This can be a family activity as well, so get everyone involved and pick things up.
Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Water Features
If you have water features in your yard, it is important that you stay on top of mosquito breeding. You can treat the water so that the larvae or killed and the mosquitoes can’t grow into adulthood. If you have a small pond on your property, you can consider putting fish in it that feed on mosquito eggs.
Mosquito Control
If you are having a difficult time keeping up with the mosquitoes on your property and it seems like they are breeding at a rapid rate, you can call on the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control. We can help you navigate the steps necessary to help limit the mosquito population as much as possible as well as arm you with mosquito treatments so you can enjoy your backyard. Call us today!