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How Do You Act Around Wasps & Bees? Tips to Keep These Insects from Stinging You in Bridgeton, NJ!

It’s that time of year again, the stinging insects are out in full force. For many people, getting stung by any stinging insect is a worry when you are spending more time in the great outdoors. There are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t get stung by any bees or wasps this summer though. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share our best tips to keep you safe from these stinging insects.

How Do You Prevent Bee & Wasp Insect Stings?

There are several adjustments you can make to your time outdoors that will make you and your property less appealing to stinging insects. Following are some of the ways you can keep them away this summer.
– Keep Food & Drink Covered: They are attracted to many of the same foods you are. Shockingly enough, wasps are actually just as attracted to proteins as they are to sugary foods. Make sure your food and drinks are covered to keep them at bay.
– Stay Away from Scents: It may be tempting to douse yourself in perfume before you go out for the day, but keep in mind that wasps and other stinging insects are attracted to those fragrances. They often resemble flowers which they are always looking for. Skip the scents to avoid coming in contact with these insects.
– Avoid Bright Colors: Believe it or not, when you wear bright colors, you could also be attracting stinging insects. They may just mistake you for a brightly colored flower. Stick to neutrals to take this risk away.
– Inspect Your Property for Hives & Nests: One of the best ways to keep them at bay is to make sure they aren’t building hives or nests anywhere on your property to begin with. Different stinging insects look for different places to build their nests, but some common areas include eaves, sheds, trees, under your deck, playground equipment, holes in the lawn and more.

How Do You Act Around Bees & Wasps?

For the most part, stinging insects only sting when they feel they are in danger. It is common for people to start swatting at a wasp or other stinging insect when they land on their arm. This is not what you want to do though. You should hold still and gently blow on the wasp to encourage it to move on. You should walk calmly away from a wasp if you happen to have one land near you.

Stinging Insect Control

If you find you have nests on your property, it is important that you don’t try and remove them on your own. Wasps are incredibly aggressive insects and will actually chase you down to attack if they feel their nest is threatened. At Ross Environmental Solutions, we know how to safely and effectively remove any stinging insect nests from your property without the risk of you getting injured. Call us today!

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